Sunday, September 16, 2012

A lot in two years...

Since the last time in I wrote in this little blog, a whole lot has changed. Shortly after my last blog, I was still living in my little one bedroom apartment in Shippensburg, PA. My boyfriend had broken up with me, and found someone else, let's say...maybe a day or two later, which was a complete surprise to me as we had been dating for four years. In February of 2010, I got a phone call from a friend who had been battling cancer. That night he told me that his brain cancer had returned and that he would be trying more treatments, but that he was unsure as to how successful it would be. This led to some very unhealthy coping skills, which led to some unhealthy choices, which led to some unhealthy driving skills, and unhealthy charges. Ahem. We'll leave that at, well that. I ended up coming back home to Oxford, PA and living with my mom-again, at 25. Crazy to me as I just finished grad school now I'm back at home with good ol ma. A few months after moving home, I reconnected with a friend from highschool-fast forward to today- we are married, living in a home we bought two years ago. We have two dogs. I had started working as a drug and alcohol counselor at an inpatient facility but I only stayed for two years. Too crazy of an environment to work in- if you don't get out within two years, they say you stay forever. The turnover rate at rehabs is insane. I started working at an elementary school in an urban area where it's 100% free lunch and we have program that gives the kids food to take home on the weekends. These kids are amazing- so funny, and witty, and bright. I couldn't stay away from the D&A field for too long though- now I work part time as an outpatient therapist one night a week and every other Saturday. It's crazy to look back at my life almost three years ago and look at it now. Some things are the same, some things very different. But crazy, nonetheless.